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Cosmic Reality Podcast

Cosmic Reality Podcast produced by Cosmic Reality Radio at www.cosmicreality.com/radio.html We bring our research and observation to a variety of live and recorded internet radio shows. We have no agenda except to bring informative, provocative...more

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Latest Episodes

"COSMIC CREATING" 5/15/21 Current Affairs with Jan Shaw - Movie Script

May 17, 2021

"COSMIC CREATING" 5/15/21 Current Affairs with Jan Shaw - Movie Script

"Cosmic Creating Show” Current Affairs with Jan Shaw SHOW PHOTO: https://www.cosmicreality.com/uploads/1/8/0/9/18090901/210511-ccs-stand-theater_orig.jpg Saturday 5-6 pm EST discussing Current Events  https://www.TheSuccessAlchemist.net The Success Alchemist: Success Coach...



"SAY WHAT?" 5/15/21 -  Pondering Reality

May 16, 2021

"SAY WHAT?" 5/15/21 - Pondering Reality

“Say What?” with Nancy Hopkins, Dolly Howard, and Jan Shaw Business & Marketing Strategist - The Success Alchemist Success Coach https://www.TheSuccessAlchemist.net Listen to/download Archives:...



"Metaphysical Martini" 5/12/21 - The Perfect Martini

May 13, 2021

"Metaphysical Martini" 5/12/21 - The Perfect Martini

"Metaphysical Martini” with Ani Avedissian, the Suburban Shaman. Played Live on CosmicReality.com/radio every other Wednesday 7-8 pm EST Website - http://aniavedissian.com Ani's Podcast Archives:...



“RADIO 5G” 5/11/21 - Legal Options Leigh Dundas & Dr Fuellmich

May 13, 2021

“RADIO 5G” 5/11/21 - Legal Options Leigh Dundas & Dr Fuellmich

* 12-2 pm EST: LIVE “Radio 5G” - Michael Henry Dunn and Nancy Hopkins discussing Leigh Dundas on the Right Side and Dr. Reiner...



"COSMIC REALITY CHRONICLES" 6/28/16 - Loosh  to Shungite Thermography

May 13, 2021

"COSMIC REALITY CHRONICLES" 6/28/16 - Loosh to Shungite Thermography

“Cosmic Reality Chronicles - Replays from the Cosmic Reality Archives with Nancy Hopkins and Walt Silva. June 28, 2016 The show begins with Walt...



"COSMIC REALITY" 5/10/21 - Shungite Satellites to Mitochondria

May 13, 2021

"COSMIC REALITY" 5/10/21 - Shungite Satellites to Mitochondria

Cosmic Reality Radio” with Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva, Dolly Howard and Shaalaa Elohim Shaalaa 777 spiritual life guard You Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1V0Sesc6yTWR_kOds7QTJw CRRS is seen...

