February 28, 2025


COSMIC SOUP OTHER VOICES 2/26/25 - Sound Healing to Self-healing

Hosted by

Mark Joseph Ani Avedissian Jan Shaw Nancy L. Hopkins Derek Condit Walt Silva
COSMIC SOUP OTHER VOICES 2/26/25 - Sound Healing to Self-healing
Cosmic Reality Podcast
COSMIC SOUP OTHER VOICES 2/26/25 - Sound Healing to Self-healing

Feb 28 2025 | 01:59:16


Show Notes

“Cosmic Soup Other Voices” Hour 1 - Lindsey Scharmyn interviewing Sharry Edwards discussing information that can be revealed by a simple analysis of someone's voice. This includes health diagnosis to whether or not someone is lying. Sharry shares information on Trump, Obama and other politicians, as well as an understanding of how to access sound analysis techniques for your own health and happiness. Hour 2 - is Seth Holehouse interviewing Dr. Ed Group titled Forbidden Healing Secrets the Elites Tried to Bury. Dr Group discusses the five secrets that unlock your own ability to heal yourself.

Voice Blueprint with Sharry Edwards https://www.podbean.com/media/share/dir-zgcfv-23a2578a

5 Forbidden Healing Secrets the Elites Tried to Bury w/ Dr. Ed Group https://rumble.com/v6ofwkc-exposed-5-forbidden-healing-secrets-the-elites-tried-to-bury-w-dr.-ed-group.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

Cosmic Soup plays at Noon EST at https://www.cosmicreality.com/radio.html

PDF, Cosmic Reality https://www.cosmicreality.com/uploads/1/8/0/9/18090901/cosmic_reality_internet_download.pdf

Free PDF, 911 Crusade https://www.cosmicreality.com/uploads/1/8/0/9/18090901/911_crusade_internet_download.pdf

 COSMIC REALITY RADIO, RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/CosmicRealityMedia

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