June 06, 2021


"COSMIC CREATING" 6/5/21 Current Affairs with Jan Shaw - Dominoes falling fast

"COSMIC CREATING" 6/5/21 Current Affairs with Jan Shaw - Dominoes falling fast
Cosmic Reality Podcast
"COSMIC CREATING" 6/5/21 Current Affairs with Jan Shaw - Dominoes falling fast

Jun 06 2021 | 01:00:23


Show Notes

"Cosmic Creating Show” Current Affairs with Jan Shaw

SHOW PHOTO: https://www.cosmicreality.com/uploads/1/8/0/9/18090901/210605-ccs-dominos-falling-fast_orig.jpg

Saturday 5-6 pm EST discussing Current Events 


The Success Alchemist: Success Coach | Business & Marketing Strategist

(970) 852 4450 / (512) 487 2980

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Twitter @CoachJanShaw

Cosmic Creating is seen 5-6 pm EST every Saturday. http://www.cosmicreality.com/radio.html

Jan is also seen on every second Saturday 6-8 pm EST on the “Say What Radio Show” at http://www.cosmicreality.com/radio.html

PODCASTS https://pod.co/cosmic-reality-radio

Archives Audio: https://www.cosmicreality.com/archives.ht


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